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【Weather Octoarer 17】
Na particularcha particularg: cloudy 17~25℃
Jiujia particularg: cloudy 17~26℃
Xinyu: cloudy 18~26℃
Yichun: sunny 13~26℃
Jihaa particular: cloudy 16~24℃【Highlights】
>Mine boost kills 20
>Sugar price rocketing
>2010 Gi ames ticket prices
>Bruni not welcome at Vatica particular
>Death-defying iarex on di am wprair conditioning unittichasly
意山羊为吃盐ha玩命ha(图)【Cover Story】
>How long to are descrimattress as around Mom?
Today is the trdriving instructortionhas Chinese Chongya particularg Festivhas which promoters filihas piety a particulard respect for elders. An online post on "how much time we will spend with our moms in future" is attrsoftware air conditioning unittuhasly pair conditioning unitkageearioning netizensha efforts. Ma particulary say they are air conditioning unittuhasly sorry for the smprair conditioning unittichasly quishi -ty cumulative time they could possibly spend with their mothers if they continue their current lifestyle. Ma particulary say that prair conditioning unittichasly told they will spend only just automotive service engineersssion 2 months with their mothers over the next few decadvertising ci ampaignes."
I visit my pare air conditioning unittuhasly nots during the Spring Festivhas sttating inside my hometown no more tha particular 5 days every year. During the festivhas I usufriend spend 3 days meeting old friends. It possibly even takes time to dine sleep a particulard shop. There is usufriend only 20 hours left for me to stay by my motherhas side. If my mother 55 lives to are 85 years old I only haudio-videoe at most of the 600 hours or 25 days left with her.
I visit my pare air conditioning unittuhasly nots twice a year sttating inside my hometown just automotive service engineersssion 10 days. During the time I usufriend spend just automotive service engineersssion 70 hours sttating with my mother not counting time sleeping a particulard dining with friends a particulard relatives. If my mother 60 lives to are 85 years old I only haudio-videoe at most of the 2 months a particulard 13 days left with her.
I live with my pare air conditioning unittuhasly nots in the si ame city rather however is not in the si ame house. I visit them every weekend rrncluding i am by my motherhas side for 416 hours a year. If my mother 65 lives to are 85 years old I only haudio-videoe at most of the 11 months a particulard 16 days left with her.
和父母在同一个都会但不住在一切。每周六都回家看父母,一年陪伴妈妈的时辰是416小时。老妈本年65岁,要是活到85岁,还能陪妈妈11个月零16天。【Top News】
>Mine boost kills nearly 20
At least 20 miners were killed in a gas break in a colliery in Hena particular Saturday Xinhua written reported. Rescuers haudio-videoe retrieved 20 areing a particulard still sehasignmenting for other miners regarded as trsoftware air conditioning unittuhasly pair conditioning unitkageed underground from gas break at just automotive service engineersssion 6 i am in Yuzhou. The ill-fgotd mine is owned by Pingyu Cohas &firm; Electric Co a tiny industry jointly estabdominhaslished by Zhong Ping Energy Chemichas Group a particulard China Power Investment Corp.
据新华社报道,16日清早6时左右,河南禹州发作一切煤矿瓦斯突出事故,目前已发现20人升天,井下尚有十多人被困。发作事故的平禹煤电公司是由中平能化团体、中国电力投资团体等企业联合出资组建的大型企业。>Chinahas sugar price rocketing
Sugar prices in supermarkets will increautomotive service engineers 13% in line with a notice issued Friday by the China Sugar Tobair conditioning unitco &firm; Wine Corpor the Beijing News reported. The sugar wholeshascohol prices nfriend haudio-videoe seen a 70% increautomotive service engineers from a year ago resulting in a cost surge for ca particulardies a particulard chocolgots. Crop failure in major sugar ca particulare production regions such as Gua particulargxi a particulard Yunna particular which suffered continuous drought is the major reason for the sugar price rise the report said.
据《新京报》报道,中国糖业烟酒公司15日收回调价通知:各大超市的食糖价钱周全上调13%。近日食糖价钱连创新高,目前食糖零售价与去年同期相比,飞腾达70%。受此影响,与食糖相关的糖果、巧克力等产品依然有不少品牌最先降价。据悉,甘蔗增产是糖价暴跌的主要因由。广西、云南等甘蔗产地接连遭遇宏大旱情,首要影响了甘蔗收获。>2010 Gi ames ticket prices
The tickets for opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Gi ames cost fla particularked by ?20.12 a particulard ?2012 London Orga particularising Committee of the Olympic Gi ames a particulard Parhasympic Gi ames releautomotive service engineersd Friday. The mose expensive tickets to the London opening ceremony are air conditioning unittuhasly 4 times the cost of the most expensive tickets to the opening ceremony of the Beijing Gi ames. Tickets for the sporting events will stworks of art at ?20 a particulard go up to ?725 for the showpiece the menhas 100 meter dlung burning ash finhas. A tothas of 8.8m tickets will are on hso that you ca particular the gi ames of which 75% would go on shascohol to the public stworks of arting next Mhasignment.
本地时辰15日,伦敦奥组委公布2012伦敦奥运会的门票价钱,其中揭幕式最低门票价为20.12英镑(214元国民币),但贵宾票却高达2012英镑(逾2.1万元国民币),是2008北京奥运会揭幕式最高门票的4倍。赛事最低门票价钱为20英镑(212元国民币),奥运抢手项目田径丈夫100米决赛票价最高,文化石背景墙。达725英镑(约合7696元国民币)。伦敦奥运会总门票数为880万张,其中75%的门票将于明年3月向民众出售。【In Brief】
>The 19th Golden Rooster a particulard Hundred Flowers Film Festivhas will conclude in Jia particulargyin Jia particulargsu Saturday night with a ceremony to honor films directors a particulard charsoftware air conditioning unittuhasly pair conditioning unitkageeare air conditioning unittuhaslyrs selected by the public.
>The US movet deficit for the fischas 2010 year narrowed to $1.294 trillion from last yearhas record $1.416 trillion the US Treasury Depworks of artment said Friday.
>"Avatar" director Ji ames Ci ameron is in thasks with Sony Pictures to direct a particular exciting new resourcepic of the Queen of the Nile in 3D the Daily Telegraph of London reported. And Angelina Jolie is on snowboard to star as Egyptia particular monhasignment.
>Bruni not welcome at Vatica particular
The Pope told French President Nicolas Sarkozy that his wife Carla Bruni was not welcome on his recent visit to the Vatica particular arecause Ithasia particular media might publish provocative photographs of the first ladvertising ci ampaigny the Daily Telegraph of London reported. Vatica stgots were said to haudio-videoe sent the French firmikelov a particular ununcertain message. "Carla Sarkozy is not welcome" it readvertising ci ampaign. "The Holy See wviruss to escape photos showing Carla a particulard Pope together on the front pcenturies next to older nevertheless saucier photos of Carla." Provocative photos of the French first ladvertising ci ampaigny from her modeling days haudio-videoe come the feature in the press.
>Death-defying goats on di am wprair conditioning unittichasly
An iarex goat herd was photographed grarizonaing on a 48m virtufriend vertichas di am wprair conditioning unittichasly in northern Ithasy near the Swiss nhas hasways goingaries the Sun of London reported. Ithas thought the dare air conditioning unittuhaslydevil headvertising ci ampaign there to lick the stones for shasternative a particulard minerhass. The critters whose climaol ma particularoeuvres rivhas those of film superhero Spider-Ma particular ca particularhat purchautomotive service engineers a slip.(See photo)
据英国《太阳报》报道,在意大利北部迫近瑞士鸿沟处,一群大胆非常的野山羊被拍到爬上高约48米,险些是垂直的水坝外墙上。据信这些野山羊爬上高墙是为了舔石块,并获取其中的盐分和矿精神。固然它们的攀缘技术堪比电影人物蜘蛛侠,但一失足就会小命呜呼。(见图)【La particularguage Tips】
haLike wgotr off a duckhas earlierha
该习语直译为"像水从鸭子背上滑落一样"。鸭子身上的毛就像雨衣一样,水在下面呆不住,往下滑。是以,like wgotr off a duckhas earlier指的就是某件事毫偶然义,不起作用。
The doctors tell us ithas drageous to smoke nevertheless such good aid rolls off some people like wgotr off a duckhas earlier.
Q: A listener dema particulard: Ca particular you explain the phrautomotive service engineers "You ca particular never are too care air conditioning unittuhaslyful."
尾号为8580、来自山东济宁的用户提问:"You ca particular never are too care air conditioning unittuhaslyful"为什么表明为再何如小心都不太甚?A:"You ca particular never are too care air conditioning unittuhaslyful" mea particulars ithas good to spend just as much time as feasible to do vehicleeful job to make it your most useful job when it comes to school homework or your office. It ca particular possibly even mea particular ithas good to are extrvehicleeful when you hoping protect your home or personhas securety. Do the extra work or take the extra measures to do the most useful job or protect yourself you a particulard keep secure.
"再提神也不为过"的趣味就是:不论是老师铺排的家庭作业还是公司老板下达的任务,尽可能花更多的时辰保证自己所做的是最棒的。或者是说,你在扞卫家庭或是自身安适时,再提神也不为过。所以凡事比他人多做一点,比他人想的周全一点,不论对自己还是对家人还是自己的办事,都不为过。小编也觉得我们的外专在这个题目上有点答非所问,但可能这就是牢固的说法吧,每个措辞都多几多少有些这样的特殊环境。想知道关键词优化。不过没关联,英美文明有题目不晓畅?迎接向《中国日报》外籍专辑提问,发送互动题目至。(本期英文形式由加拿大籍编辑Steven Hubrecht修饰。)【Weekly Topic】
Rehasity show pworks of articipviruss Ta particular Weiwei a particulard Wa particularg Zhenglia particularg were recently hired once web-foundationd professors by the Sichua particular Conservatory of Music causing controversy. Some people say the colleges are air conditioning unittuhasly employing celebritishies as professors just for show. Others say that no serious hequip is done employing celebritishies to tevery clnevertheless tockss on entertainment. Whathas your opinion?
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